退信(bounce)是指各种原因造成的发件人所发出的信息不能被收件人正常接收的情况。根据邮件被退回的原因,可以分为硬退信(hard bounce)和软退信(soft bounce)两种不同情况。
硬退信(hard bounce):
1.550 Invalid recipient
2.550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
3.Host not found
4.No such user
5.User unknown
6.User not found
7.Invalid address
8.Invalid recipient
9.Not a valid mailbox
10.This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account
11.Sorry, no mailbox by that name
12.The account or domain may not exist, they may be blacklisted, or missing the proper dns entries.
软退信(soft bounce):不是因为无效邮箱而导致的退信就称为软退信。
是指 MP (MP:Mailbox Service Provider,是指类似 腾讯邮箱,网易企业邮箱这样的邮箱服务)在成功接收邮件之后,处于各种原因,在稍后时间又将此邮件退回给发信域名,实际结果依然是邮件投递失败。常见的原因有邮箱空间不够、判定为垃圾邮件、收件人拒收、内部错误等等
1.exceeded storage allocation
2.mailbox is full
3.retry timeout exceeded
如果您使用简单邮件传输协议 (SMTP),则与软退回邮件有关的特定错误代码为 421、450、451 或 452
The bounce object contains a bounce type of Undetermined, Permanent, or Transient. The Permanent and Transient bounce types can also contain one of several bounce subtypes.
When you receive a bounce notification with a bounce type of Transient, you might be able to send email to that recipient in the future if the issue that caused the message to bounce is resolved.
When you receive a bounce notification with a bounce type of Permanent, it's unlikely that you'll be able to send email to that recipient in the future. For this reason, you should immediately remove the recipient whose address produced the bounce from your mailing lists.
When a soft bounce (a bounce related to a temporary issue, such as the recipient's inbox being full) occurs, Amazon SES attempts to redeliver the email for a certain period of time. At the end of that period of time, if Amazon SES still can't deliver the email, it stops trying.
Amazon SES provides notifications for hard bounces, and for soft bounces that it stopped trying to deliver. If you want to receive a notification each time a soft bounce occurs, enable event publishing and configure it to send notifications when delivery delay events occur.
bounceType | bounceSubType | Description |
Undetermined | Undetermined | The recipient's email provider sent a bounce message. The bounce message didn't contain enough information for Amazon SES to determine the reason for the bounce. The bounce email, which was sent to the address in the Return-Path header of the email that resulted in the bounce, might contain additional information about the issue that caused the email to bounce. |
Permanent | General | The recipient's email provider sent a hard bounce message, but didn't specify the reason for the hard bounce. Important When you receive this type of bounce notification, you should immediately remove the recipient's email address from your mailing list. Sending messages to addresses that produce hard bounces can have a negative impact on your reputation as a sender. If you continue sending email to addresses that produce hard bounces, we might pause your ability to send additional email. |
Permanent | NoEmail | The intended recipient's email provider sent a bounce message indicating that the email address doesn't exist. Important When you receive this type of bounce notification, you should immediately remove the recipient's email address from your mailing list. Sending messages to addresses that don't exist can have a negative impact on your reputation as a sender. If you continue sending email to addresses that don't exist, we might pause your ability to send additional email. |
Permanent | Suppressed | The recipient's email address is on the Amazon SES suppression list because it has a recent history of producing hard bounces. To override the global suppression list |
Permanent | OnAccountSuppressionList | Amazon SES has suppressed sending to this address This does not count toward your bounce rate metric. |
Transient | General | The recipient's email provider sent a general bounce message. You might be able to send a message to the same recipient in the future if the issue that caused the message to bounce is resolved. Note If you send an email to a recipient who has an active automatic response rule (such as an "out of the office" message), you might receive this type of notification. Even though the response has a notification type of |
Transient | MailboxFull | The recipient's email provider sent a bounce message because the recipient's inbox was full. You might be able to send to the same recipient in the future when the mailbox is no longer full. |
Transient | MessageTooLarge | The recipient's email provider sent a bounce message because message you sent was too large. You might be able to send a message to the same recipient if you reduce the size of the message. |
Transient | ContentRejected | The recipient's email provider sent a bounce message because the message you sent contains content that the provider doesn't allow. You might be able to send a message to the same recipient if you change the content of the message. |
Transient | AttachmentRejected | The recipient's email provider sent a bounce message because the message contained an unacceptable attachment. For example, some email providers may reject messages with attachments of a certain file type, or messages with very large attachments. You might be able to send a message to the same recipient if you remove or change the content of the attachment. |